Picture #1 (You should replace this)

Puerto Rico

The original image has a resolution of 550 × 733

The aspect ratio is 550 / 733 or 0.75

The image at half the size is 275 x 366.5

Puerto Rico

The image at quarter the size is 137.5 x 183.25

Puerto Rico

----------------This divides the section (don't delete) ----

Picture #2


The original image has a resolution of 1024 × 576

The aspect ratio is 1024 / 576 or 1.77

The image at half the size is 275 x 366.5

The image at quarter the size is 400 x 225

----------------This divides the section (don't delete) ----

Picture #3

The image at quarter the size is 200 x 122.5

New York